COBOL quick start guide
AI for laypersons: Measuring classification performance
Why 31? — Explaining the use of prime numbers in Java hash functions
AI for laypersons: Stock price prediction with nearest neighbors
How to run headless unit tests for GUIs on GitHub actions
Allowing copy and paste shortcuts in disabled (read-only) text widget in Tcl/Tk
AI for laypersons: Image recognition with nearest neighbors
Explaining artificial intelligence for laypersons using the k-nearest neighbors algorithm
How to get a git commit hash from a tree hash
Automatically generate release notes from your changelog
The pitfalls of using proper SI units: Zero crossings in OpenModelica
The pitfalls of using proper SI units: Nominal values in Modelica
Event synchronization in Modelica models with noise
Emulating lambda expressions, and higher order functions in Modelica
LaTeX Alternatives: BibTeX Part 3, BibTeX vs Biber
LaTeX Alternatives: BibTeX Part 2, Natbib vs BibLaTeX
LaTeX Alternatives: BibTeX Part 1, Terminology
LaTeX Alternatives: LaTeX versions
Causes for NoSuchMethodErrors in Java
Minimal Gradle 5 config for running JMH benchmarks
Beware of sentinels in merge sort
Tricks for unit tests: Merge sort with a doubly linked list
How to (not) write unit tests for your students
Java Mergesort richtig plagiieren [de only]
What makes a "good" exercise? [en, de]
Acrobat Reader has a maximum document size
Unit tests for JShell code with the jdk.jshell module
Generic Java arrays and varargs heap pollution
Top-level final declarations and the JShell
The peculiarities of the JShell
Spurious extra space after social media icons in Jekyll's Minima theme
Discrete equation systems in OpenModelica
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