
Think about a very simple AI that classifies emails into benign “ham” or unwanted “spam”, very much like the one we built in a previous article: How do we measure how good our AI performs?

Until now, we just looked at a few examples manually and determined whether we felt that the outcome was correct. This works if our question is just “Can the AI distinguish between a typical ‘Nigerian prince’ spam mail and a genuine mail to a friend from Nigeria?”. But what if the question becomes “Can the AI detect all kinds of typical spam mails that are in my inbox?” or if we also want to check for the kind of spam our friends and colleagues are getting? The more general we want our AI to be, the more examples we will need to check. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just automate this? After all, all we need for that a list of emails for which we already know whether they are “spam” or “not spam”. This is the same kind of labeled data that we needed for building our AI in the first place. To distinguish both datasets, we will call the data we use for testing the test set.

Having this data lets us rephrase the question to “What percentage of these examples does the AI get right?”. This measure is called accuracy, and it can be calculated simply like this:

  1. Classify all example emails in the test set with the spam detection AI.
  2. Count how often the AI outputs the right choice of “spam” or “not spam”.
  3. Divide that number by the total number of examples in the test set.

The possible outcomes are between 0 (the AI does not get any of the examples right → 0% accuracy) and 1 (the AI gets every example right → 100% accuracy). In general, an AI with 80% accuracy is better than an AI with 70% accuracy, for example.

A cautionary note about data separation

In the previous example, I just assumed that we do not use the same data for building the AI and for testing it. Let’s have a brief look at why we do this and what will go wrong if we fail to separate between training and test data:

Remember the instructions for our spam detection AI:

  1. For all labeled emails in the database, calculate the number of matching words between that email and the query.
  2. Find the database entry with the maximum number of matching words.
  3. Output the label attached to this database entry.

What happens if we try to classify an email that was already in the database? Well, the maximum possible number of matching words between one text and another is of course all the words in the text. So if we ask the AI for the best label for an entry that it has already stored in its database, it will always find the exact copy of that entry and output the label attached to that copy. In other words: If we use our training data to calculate accuracy, we will end up with 100% accuracy. Always. By definition.

The same is true for many other algorithms that you can use to build an AI. This is why AI researchers and developers always stash away a part of their data as test data that the AI is never allowed to see until the time comes to evaluate its performance.

Different kinds of errors

Let’s say we have two separate spam classification AIs with 70% accuracy. Can there still be differences between them?

Well, let’s have a look at the different kinds of errors our AI can make by going through all possibilities:

  • True positive: If it classifies a mail as spam that actually was a spam mail, that’s good. No error here.
  • False positive: If it classifies a mail as spam that actually was not spam, that’s one error to make. The AI was too eager in finding spam.
  • False negative: If it classifies a mail as not spam that actually was spam, that is also an error, but in the opposite direction. It was too lazy and did not catch all the spam mails.
  • True negative: If it classifies a mail as not spam that actually was not spam, that’s fine again.

So, we end up with two kinds of errors: “eagerness errors” and “laziness errors”. As you may have noticed, one of the two is a little more dangerous: Being too lazy just means we still have to delete a few spam mails ourselves. Being too eager might mean that a mail from our Nigerian friend or maybe from the company in Nigeria where we applied for a job lands in the spam folder, and we might never notice it.

This leads to two new questions about the AI’s performance:

  1. What percentage of the examples that end up in the spam folder actually are spam.
  2. What percentage of the spam mails that I receive in my inbox will be sent to the spam folder.

The first measure is called precision and the second is called recall. As you might already have guessed, they can be calculated as follows:


  1. Count the number of emails that get a “spam” label from the AI and actually are spam.
  2. Count the number of emails that get a “spam” label from the AI, regardless of whether they were spam or not.
  3. Divide the number from step 1 by the number of step 2.


  1. Count the number of emails that get a “spam” label from the AI and actually are spam.
  2. Count the number of emails that are spam, regardless of whether the AI classifies them as such.
  3. Divide the number from step 1 by the number of step 2.

To put it in simple terms, higher precision means less eagerness errors and higher recall means less laziness errors.

Precision and recall are, however, not the only measures that help to distinguish between those two kinds of errors. Imagine a medical setting where you test for a disease like COVID-19: On the one hand, you want to know how good the test is at detecting sick people as sick. But on the other hand, you also want to know how good it is at detecting healthy people as healthy.

For the first part, you can just use recall because that is exactly what recall measures: The percentage of all sick people that will test positive. In this setting, this is called sensitivity, however, because it measures how sensitive the test is to finding the disease.

For the second part, we use a different measure that we call specificity.


  1. Count the number of healthy people who are tested negative.
  2. Count the number of healthy people in the whole test group, regardless of whether they were tested negative.
  3. Divide the number from step 1 by the number of step 2.

Again, you can think of a test that is more specific of having less eagerness errors and a test that is more sensitive of having less laziness errors. It is just a slightly different definition and terminology that helps to make the right decisions in a medical setting.

It is important to note here that both for precision and recall and for sensitivity and specificity, only knowing one of these two measures will tell you nothing about the actual quality of the AI or COVID-19 test. This is because you can easily cheat them by just classifying every sample as spam/sick (100% recall, 100% sensitivity) or classifying every as no spam/healthy (100% specificity). Precision is a little harder to trick, since we would divide by zero if we classify every sample as spam. However, that just means we need to find that one spam mail that we are really sure about, and we still can get 100% precision.

Dealing with more than two categories

Until now, we only looked at the spam example, where there was only a yes/no decision to make by our AI. How about the image classification task where we tried to recognize handwritten digits from 0 to 9? Here, we have ten possible classification outcomes and ten possible true labels.

We can still calculate the overall accuracy, which tells us how close we are to our goal in a single number. We can also calculate precision and recall for each digit, which will tell us which digit we recognize too often or too seldom. However, there is a new question that becomes interesting: “Which digit is confused with which?”. If our AI sometimes confuses a 1 with a 7 or an 8 with a 0, that might be acceptable, but if it starts confusing a 4 and a 1 really often, something weird is going on.

To diagnose these issues, we can just count:

  1. How often does the AI classify a 0 as a 0?
  2. How often does the AI classify a 0 as a 1?
  3. How often does the AI classify a 0 as a 2?
  4. How often does the AI classify a 1 as a 0?
  5. How often does the AI classify a 1 as a 1?

And so on. This gives us 100 numbers for all the ten times ten possible outcomes. To visualize this, you can build what is called a confusion matrix that puts the label predicted by the AI (p:) on the columns and the true class label (t:) on the rows of a table. The result looks like this.

  p:0 p:1 p:2 p:3 p:4 p:5 p:6 p:7 p:8 p:9
t:0 967 1 1 2 0 1 5 0 2 1
t:1 0 1126 3 1 0 1 1 0 3 0
t:2 3 2 1001 8 1 0 3 6 8 0
t:3 0 0 1 1002 0 1 0 1 5 0
t:4 3 1 2 2 955 2 6 1 3 7
t:5 3 1 0 37 1 833 9 0 6 2
t:6 4 3 1 1 1 3 941 0 4 0
t:7 2 9 8 5 0 0 0 988 8 8
t:8 3 1 3 10 3 2 2 3 946 1
t:9 3 8 0 10 8 8 1 4 5 962

To look for mistakes, we search for the largest numbers outside the diagonal, since the diagonal shows us the samples that were classified correctly. For this particular classifier, we can see that the most common mistake is to predict a 3 (p:3) for images that actually showed a 5 (t:5). If we roughly calculate the sum over the rows, we can also see that the dataset used for the test contained fewer examples for the digit 5 than for the digit 3. If the same was true for the training data, this might already indicate why the AI makes exactly this kind of mistake. It could be that it just hasn’t seen enough examples of the digit 3. When it is in doubt, it errs on the side of the class label that is more likely to occur in the data.

As you can see, confusion matrices may be confusing (heh) to look at at first, but they can tell you a lot about the performance of an AI that is supposed to classify data into multiple options.

Final remarks

Let’s sum up what we have learned:

  • There are automatic measures that can tell you how good an AI is.
  • Some of these measures (accuracy) are just one number, others are number pairs (recall/precision, sensitivity/specificity). Never trust anyone, who just boasts a high score in one of the numbers belonging to a pair!
  • When you want to look at what kind of errors an AI used for classification makes in detail, you can build a confusion matrix.
  • It’s important not to test an AI on the data it has already seen when it was trained, since that makes it easy for the AI to cheat.

Even if you won’t remember any more details from this post than those bullet points, you are already in a powerful position to judge AI systems. You know what numbers to look out for, be suspicious if they are not or only partly reported, and can compare different AIs with each other based on those numbers.