The blog
As an AI engineer with a background in academia, and generally curious person, I tend to run into interesting and sometimes exotic problems challenges.
In this blog, I want to shout my solutions to these challenges out into the world, hoping for some feedback.
So if you have a question, or a better solution, or just want to chat with someone with similar interests, I am always happy if you drop me an email.
This blog was created using Jekyll with the following plugins:
- jekyll-feed
- jekyll-email-protect
- jekyll-sitemap
- jekyll-seo-tag
- jemoji
It uses a modified version of the Minima theme with the fonts Noto Sans, Roboto and Quicksand. The HTML contend is served via GitHub Pages, the syntax highlighter is Rouge, Markdown parsing is provided by kramdown.
I got my Master’s degree in computer science from the Technical University Kaiserslautern with a focus on machine learning. After that I was a teacher and did my PhD at the bioinformatics department of the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen - a University of Applied Sciences in Gießen (Germany). Today, I work as an AI engineer at LanguageTool.
For me, a good day is a day when I learned something new. Therefore, I tend to have quite a large pile of side projects, both related to my work and my personal interests.
In this blog, you may read stories from both my work life and my spare time.
Legal notice
Person responsible
Christopher Schölzel
Kanalstraße 32
48147 Münster, Germany
Email : christopher.schoelzel@mailbox.org
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